The Most Common Issues on Auto Heating and Cooling Near Me

Depending on where you live and the season, our auto heating and cooling systems can be essential to our daily lives.

Our vehicle’s heating and cooling systems are connected within our cars, but they function as separate systems. This is why it’s so important to have these things regularly maintained to avoid any kind of issue down the line.

Having proper auto heating and cooling maintenance can seriously make a big difference to drivers, especially when they’re going for a long trip.

Here at Tire Zone, we provide auto heating and cooling maintenance. Not only that, but we want you to know how you can handle proper maintenance of these systems too.

There are common issues when it comes to auto heating and cooling, not just in Forth Worth but also around the United States of America. This is why it’s so important to know what these common issues are, so you can prevent bigger damage by rushing your car to your trusted auto shop and mechanic.

The Most Common Issues for Auto Heating Systems

Our car’s heating system is essential to keep all of us warm and comfortable during the winter. Not only that, but they also have the vital job of keeping us safe when the temperature outside of your vehicles is cold.

Our auto heating system comprises several components, including the heater core, fan, heater hoses, blower motors, heater control valve, and more. Although, if your auto heating system isn’t working, then it could be due to the following problems:

  • Your coolant is low.
  • There’s air stuck in your coolant system.
  • Your heater core is malfunctioning.
  • The thermostat is failing – or has died.
  • Your heating system is seriously damaged.

The Most Common Issues for Auto Cooling Systems

Our car’s cooling system is essential in the warm summer days, especially in this Texas heat. This is why it’s critical always to have them in the best condition.

Our auto cooling system is composed of the refrigerant, condenser, compressor, receiver drier, evaporator, expansion valve, and accumulator. However, if you’re noticing that your cars aren’t cold enough, these might be because of the following problems:

  • Your refrigerant is low.
  • There’s a clog or a leak in your condenser.
  • Your pressure switches are unresponsive.
  • There’s cross-contamination in your refrigerant.
  • Your serpentine belt has been worn out or stretched.

Here at Tire Zone, we can’t stress enough how important it is to have a certified technician inspect your vehicle’s auto heating and cooling systems. This is something that should be done once a year.

We offer our auto heating and cooling system services to clients around Fort Worth, Texas, and beyond. Plus, our team of certified and highly skilled technicians will ensure that your systems will be good as new without breaking the bank.

So what are you waiting for?

Reach out to us at Tire Zone for more information!