We all know that a radiator is one of the most vital components of a vehicle. The radiator displaces heat caused by your engine. This keeps the engine cool and running correctly. If your radiator is not working properly, it means your engine has a fever. Therefore, as fever deteriorates human health, the improperly working radiator also causes harm to the performance of the car, Furthermore, it can also lead to major damage. Even a leak in your radiator can turn into a major repair for your vehicle.

Here you can see how a radiator works:

The Coolant Process:

Ethylene glycol, also known as antifreeze, is the neon green liquid that flows from your engine. Then it flows through your radiator to cool it. The liquid then passes through the tubes inside the radiator and cools down. The heat from the liquid is displaced by the tubes and small “fins” connecting the tubes of the radiator. As the liquid flows through these fins and tubes, the surrounding air gets warmed by the heat’s displacement. The process continues till the liquid’s heat is lost. This allows the radiator’s assembly to “radiate” the heat caused by the liquid into the air, which is further pushed away from the radiator. Air heats up fast, so it is important to replace the warm air around the radiator with cool air.

Why fix a leak in the radiator?

It is best to keep your engine running cool. This will allow the engine to run more cleanly and efficiently and your engine to last as long as possible. This will keep the radiator safe from abnormal wear and tear. If the leak is not fixed properly asap, your engine may overheat causing the following damage:

  • A blown-out top header
  • Destruction of your radiator entirely
  • Cracking or blowing out the engine’s head gasket
  • Total engine seizure

Our friendly and courteous auto care professionals at Tire Zone in Fort Worth, TX will repair your radiator. They will make sure your radiator will keep your engine at the optimal temperature so that you do not need to visit our shop frequently. So, what are you waiting for? Call us now!